Weather Information
Forecast Issued At
6:37 am 12th February. 2025
Hanmer Springs
Weather Information
Early fog. Mostly fine. Areas of cloud at times, more so during the afternoon and evening about the hills. Calm morning, with afternoon easterly breezes (5-15km/hr.) Pleasant conditions and temperatures under high pressure.
Today's Forecast
Humidity: 68.
Wind Gusts: 0 km/h.
5-day Forecast
Today Feb 12
Early fog. Mostly fine. Areas of cloud at times, more so during the afternoon and evening about the hills. Calm morning, with afternoon easterly breezes (5-15km/hr.) Pleasant conditions and temperatures under high pressure.
Tomorrow Feb 13
Mainly fine. Areas of cloud from the east and long sunny periods. Light winds through the day, tending light easterly (0-10km/hr.) Pleasant conditions under high pressure.
Friday Feb 14
A fine day. Bright and sunny conditions through the day. Light winds in the morning, with light nor-westerlies developing. Pleasant conditions under high pressure.
Saturday Feb 15
A fine day. Any early cloud clearing away to bright and sunny conditions. Calm morning, with afternoon nor-westerlies. Warm and pleasant conditions under high pressure.
Sunday Feb 16
A fine day. Bright and sunny conditions, with variable high cloud. Light winds, with afternoon nor-westerlies, remaining light. Pleasant conditions and warm temperatures.