Weather Information
Forecast Issued At
10:27 am 1st April. 2025
Hanmer Springs
Weather Information
Fine spells early. A mostly cloudy and cooler day. Areas of lower and middle level cloud for most part, with isolated areas of drizzle, or light showers. Late fine breaks possible. Light southerlies in the morning, then late afternoon/evening easterly breezes (5-15km/hr).
Today's Forecast
Humidity: 81.
Wind Gusts: 4 km/h.
5-day Forecast
Today Apr 01
Fine spells early. A mostly cloudy and cooler day. Areas of lower and middle level cloud for most part, with isolated areas of drizzle, or light showers. Late fine breaks possible. Light southerlies in the morning, then late afternoon/evening easterly breezes (5-15km/hr).
Tomorrow Apr 02
A cloudy day, with scattered rain developing, more persistent and widespread in the afternoon and evening. Nor-easterlies (10-20km/hr) easing in the evening. Modest temperatures. Rainfall total: 4-7mm.
Thursday Apr 03
Mostly cloudy skies, with scattered spill over falls at times; rain easing at night. Chance of some steadier and heavier falls. Northerlies (10-20km/hr) easing at night. Rainfall total: 7-12mm.
Friday Apr 04
A fine day. Bright and sunny conditions for most part, with late high cloud. Nor-westerlies developing, becoming blustery in exposed areas (20-30km/hr.) Pleasant autumn conditions and mild temperatures.
Saturday Apr 05
A mostly fine day. Sunny skies, with areas of cloud from the east. Light winds, with nor-westerlies freshening (10-20km/hr) easing late evening. Pleasant conditions. High pressure.