Weather Information
Forecast Issued At
4:19 pm 22nd February. 2025
Hanmer Springs
Weather Information
A mostly fine for the remainder of the day. Bright and sunny conditions, with a few cloudy periods at night. Light winds. Pleasant conditions and temperatures under high pressure.
Today's Forecast
Humidity: 52.
Wind Gusts: 2 km/h.
5-day Forecast
Today Feb 22
A mostly fine for the remainder of the day. Bright and sunny conditions, with a few cloudy periods at night. Light winds. Pleasant conditions and temperatures under high pressure.
Tomorrow Feb 23
Often cloudy through the day, with areas of lower and middle level cloud. Isolated showers until evening. Light south/south-easterly winds (15-20km/hr.) Modest temperatures. Rainfall total: 1-2mm.
Monday Feb 24
Fine. Bright and sunny conditions through the day. Light winds through the day. Pleasant conditions and warm temperatures under high pressure.
Tuesday Feb 25
A fine day. Bright and sunny conditions, with variable high cloud developing during the afternoon. Nor-westerlies, occasionally blustery. Warm conditions.
Wednesday Feb 26
Often cloudy in the morning, with areas of lower and middle level cloud. Increasing fine periods in the afternoon and evening. Light easterlies developing. Modest temperatures.